This is a multipart series - your comments and interactions are always appreciated.

Singing Psalms and Hymns
The power of no other part of public worship is so little utilized as that of the song. While it may be conceded to add a little variety, and to give the congregation a small chance to participate in the service, to some it is practically looked upon as the padding which helps to fill up the time of the service. Hymns and signing is the peer of prayer as a public devotional exercise and deserves equally intelligent treatment. It has need of the same sincere and earnest spirit as when one prays. Indeed there are entire books of the Bible which are songs...
That you don't possess the musical knowledge or skill does not in and of itself matter greatly in making the song service a success; but to simply enter into the spirit and meaning of what is sung. Many times we have all experienced the rich results of a song that is sung, not exceptionally well, but with emotion, meaning, and feeling which transfers to the congregation. Alternatively if you are to "make a joyful noise" that requires some practice...
Many times prior to a song being sung an explanation is given or an illustration or something pertinent to the singer's life or testimony. Just as a scripture lesson is augmented by pertinent comments so the meaning of a song, especially if it is an older or more familiar hymn the more necessary perhaps is one's ability to focus and inspect more closely the words on the page. Lest we sing it as we always do and fail to take in its meaning.
God is worthy of our worship and praise. We know there is no way to repay him; but that shouldn't stop us from trying. Let your songs be an edification to the congregation and a glory to him.