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My Testimony

For the record I went to church when I was a little kid and although it was not the church of God I still had prayers from the Saints of the church of God and that did not give me a free pass...we still have choices of our own to make and anyone regardless of how many prayers are lifted up for that individual can still end up in a deep pit of sin that they never imagined they could go...If your not saved today I highly recommend you take that trip to the alter before its too late...

In August 2016 1 week after having an interlock removed from my truck I was on drugs and drinking and driving and was involved in a high speed chase. I lost control of my truck while on drugs and alcohol and crashed into a house...I ran got caught fought with the cops and was arrested. When they drove me back to my truck there was a bunch of kids around, they were just on the other side of the house when I crashed into it. I was in tears and shocked that I almost plowed into them...

God's mercy kept me from having to live with that...I bailed out of jail and continued in my sinful ways using drugs and alcohol and my life of crime...when I went to court they dropped the charges which left me astonished because with my record nobody in their right mind would let me stay in society...Another blessing from God but I did not heed his call...I went back to my life of crime...For the record when I say life of crime I'm not talking about using drugs and shoplifting from Wal mart I was alot deeper in than that...

About 3 months after the accident I was fed up with my life and where it was going...I was counting the cost of coming and giving my life to God...can I do the modest dress...they don't watch TV can I do that...can't drink not ÷ven just a using drugs not even here and there and so on...Even what are my friends going to think.. I knew where to go I was not going to any other church and I knew what was expected of me when I did go...I started telling my buddies that I was stopping the life of crime and giving my life to God so I could have a better life...In November 2016 I sent my uncle Jack a text and said are you going to let me continue to live my life like this or are you going to take me to church...

The day before Thanksgiving Nov 23rd 2016 I went to the Avondale church of god sick of living my life of sin I did not go to test the waters I came to get saved and I did! Over the next week I ditched my phone and stayed off of social media leaving all those old friends behind...God was continuing to bless me in my life and then my past came back...2 yrs later the accident came back...they came and served me...wanting me to appear in court on the dui that caused me to think of god...They did not want me in society They wanted me in prison we tried everything to change their minds just about the whole Avondale church showed up on sentencing day to sway the judge...To no avail...God had other plans and what seemed like a curse was a blessing in disguise!

Even though I was scared of returning to my life of sin while I was in prison that did not happen God kept me through the entire time I did not go back to swearing smoking drinking or drugs while there...Various saints would come and visit while I was there boosting my morale...And thank God for Bro Ward...Who also got pastoral visits set up and came to visit from time to time...I was enrolled in college and taking vocational classes like construction and renewable energy...I even learned amazing fiancé stood by my side the entire time getting things prepared for when I got out...

I was released Oct 19 2020 and hit the ground running! We got married that Saturday we went on a week long honeymoon got back and closed on our house within 2 weeks; 8 days after that I got a job in the HVAC field and God has just been pouring the blessings down ever since! We started our own HVAC business and have been blessed to make it to a fellowship meeting and a much needed vacation...I don't regret it one step of the way we are so very thankful for what God has done for us and we can never repay him so when you see me over here with tears running down my cheeks 95% of the time I am not in in battle those are because I am so thankful of what God has brought me through...And he will do the same for you if you'll let him...

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Unknown member
Oct 07, 2021

A beautiful testimony. Thank God for deliverance and a changed life. We are thrilled to have you here Bro Tommy.


Unknown member
Oct 05, 2021

Bro Tommy God and all the angels of heaven besides all the saints of God are on your side. All the devils of hell cannot win this battle. PRAISE GOD WE WIN.

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