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Is Entire Sanctification Possible?

Readers note:

This section you are about to read is from “Perfect Love” written by J.A. Wood. This book was written back in 1861 following the days of the Wesley’s and right before the gathering together of the Church of God. The doctrine of sanctification and holiness had been fully preached and this is Mr. Wood’s book on explaining the work of sanctification and its importance to the Christian faith. The selection for today’s reading is in Section 7, the fourth point of question number 51.

The Bible clearly teaches that God commands us to live holy. Many question whether this is even possible to live holy. Why would God command us to do something which we are unable to do? There are promises in the Scriptures that we can live holy through entire sanctification. Here is what J.A. Wood had to say about whether one can be entirely sanctified:

That entire sanctification is attainable is evident from the fact that the commands and the promises stand correlated to each other. What God commands, he promises to aid us in doing. If he commands us to love him with all our heart, he promises, --“The Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and will all thy soul.” If he commands us to “be holy,” he promises, --“From all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you” If he commands, “Be ye therefore perfect,” he promises, -- “My grace is sufficient for thee;” and, “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” This we understand to be a universal law of the Gospel economy. The Bible enjoins duty, but never without the promise of needful grace to perform it.

It is encouraging to know that God will not ask anything of us that is impossible or that he will not perform in us. All God needs is a willing soul to be used by him.

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