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From the Archives Oct 13, 1904

Gospel Trumpet Letter to the editor

October 13, 1904

San. Diego, Cal., Sept. 26.

Our hearts are full of praise and real gratitude to the God of all grace for his dealings with us. Since we have been giving him all of our time, he has won-derfully blessed us, and is encouraging us to press the battle on. We were at Messa, Ariz. in company with Bro. Lensney of Clovis, Cal., where there were a number saved and sanctified, and several miracu-lous cases of healing, for which we give God all the glory. Thirteen were buried with Christ in baptism. We had a few meetings in the State's prison at Yuma, Ariz. There was quite an interest manifested. Several hands went up for prayer. One got a Bible, and said he was reading our literature and was praying for salvation. We placed one dozen books of the Gospel Trumpet pulal-lication in their library and they were gladly received. W e visited some of the people about three miles from Yuma, and held a few meetings in a • schoolhouse. Two dear souls were reclaimed, and are still stand-ing true to Jesus. We came here to San Diego June 22, and have been doing what we can in the Master's service. One old man escaped the Lutheran sect and Masonic lodge, and gave his heart to God. Several backslid-ers have returned to Father's house, and six were baptized. The ' church is in a fair condition spiritually. The Lord is using Bro. Misner in feeding the flock here at San Diego. This place is flooded with all manner of spirits and doctrines of dev-ils, and is the head- quarters for Theosophy — American Buddhism. They have a fenced village in Point Loma, which is guarded by men at the gates. They charge ten cents admittance, and then blow the bu-gle to warn their people that strangers are coming. Schools and theaters are owned by them here in San Diego. They gather up orphans and all children they can get and bring them up in this awful doctrine. They are taught to act on the stage when they are quite small. Oh, may God help the people not to be swallowed up in such awful darkness. Why should not Zion rise and shake herself from the dust and cry aloud and spare not, when heathenism is practised and taught by our own Amer-ican citizens in our own free country? The Lord willing we will go to Fresno, Cal. camp- meeting ( Oct. 14- 24), then to San Jose, as Father may lead. San Jose has a great deal of prejudice to be re-moved. They have no place of meeting, and only three known saints among about forty thousand people. We ask the pray-ers of all God's people for us and the work there, and that the way may be open so we can have a, place of worship that people can hear the truth. Your brother and sister under the blood,

P. P. Ropp and Wife.

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Unknown member
Mar 27, 2022

That is amazing! And transportation was no picnic back then, so I'm sure it was exhausting for the ministers to be travelling all over the place!


Unknown member
Feb 10, 2022

Thank You For Sharing! That is Truly a Blessing❤️

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